Hardback 8 1/2"x 11"
Cowboy Christmas Book
by Caryn Southerland
Howdy Pardners!
Cowboy Christmas is a one of a kind, 8 ½ by 11 brilliant color hardback, familiar “Twas the Night Before Christmas” poem but in cowboy style. It will charm the youngsters and delight the seasoned folks. It is a collectible as well as a read-aloud and often, timeless treasure.
Our cowboy Santa is an irresistible, weathered and wonderfully realistic character who brings a smile even when he gobbles the leftover biscuits! And his sleigh, those pullin’ steers land him Ker plunk! on the roof without a disturbance!
Watch how the cowboy Santa combines the spirit of generosity with the Reason for the Season.
Check our Facebook page for a Special Deal!

Yippee Ki Yi YAY!
And to all a good night!
Proudly sold at the National Cowboy Museum and the ProRodeo Hall of Fame gift stores!!

About the Illustrator
Hi! My name is Emery Parker. I'm currently working on lots of writing and drawing projects on the side, thanks to this project. I've always drawn just for fun, and it's been great to have this opportunity to share that fun with others through this book. I got the chance to work with Ms. Caryn on this book through my high school art teacher, who recommended me and gave me the courage to embark on this partnership. It has helped me to learn to work hard, communicate with a team, and improve my art while still having fun along the way. It was a great opportunity and adventure, and helped me get accepted into Pixar University where i am currently studying and working. I hope others take the chance to work with young artists like me the way Ms. Caryn did!
About the Author
Hello, I'm Caryn Southerland! Born, raised, educated and totally blessed right here in the Ozarks! I love my family and I love the fact that my family loves to laugh. My mom and grandmother would often write entertaining poems to celebrate special occasions. There words would take on familiar rhymes to humorously express the moment - who we were, where we lived, and much of what we lived through! The objective was to shift our sober, sometimes much-too-serious attitude to a little lighter one; one in which we could laugh and even enjoy our age or stage of life!
My greatest desire for you is that you would read (hopefully out loud) and laugh with this twist on the Christmas classic! And then, share with a child of any and all ages! Making a "together" memory around the holidays is a lasting treasure!